BMX Moms - Jillian Fisher

8 Aug 2023 by Justus Standley

Q&A with one of our proud BMX Moms Jillian Fisher as she gives us some insight on her son Christian Fisher.

Dvide – How did your child get interested in BMX, and what inspired them to start racing?
JF – When my husband wanted to get back into racing after 10+ years off the track he took Christian to Grand Prix for the first time. Seeing his dad on the track he was hooked.

Dvide – What do you think are the most significant benefits your child gains from participating in BMX racing?
JF – The most significant benefit we have seen in his time racing is his determination to get better every day.

Dvide – How has BMX racing positively impacted your child’s confidence and personal growth?
JF – Christian has learned that in racing you have to put hard work in to see results, especially as you get older and the competition is more fierce. His confidence is something that he is constantly working on, some days he is hard on himself if he doesn’t perform the way he wanted to, but his love for the sport is what keeps pushing him.

Dvide – What are some of your child’s proudest achievements or memorable moments in their BMX journey so far?
JF – His proudest moment so far was making the semi at Grands last year. He has been training hard this year and is hoping for even better results this November!

Dvide – Have you noticed any changes in your child’s determination or work ethic since they started racing BMX?
JF – His determination has grown incredibly this year. He started training with Tory Nyhaug who built his training program for him. This includes track work outs, sprints and dry land work outs. He does not miss a day and is so invested in his training. Seeing the little improvements every week keep him motivated and determined.

Dvide – What challenges has your child faced in their BMX journey, and how did they overcome them?
JF – Once you go from an intermediate rider to an expert rider it is a totally different level that is challenging for a lot of riders. When you go from winning all the time to having to fight to even get in the mix is hard for a young kid. That’s when he realized his training would be key.

Dvide – What are your child’s favorite snacks?
JF – Christian is really proud of his nutrition journey and he knows he has to fuel his body right to stay strong. At the track he loves granola, fruit and jerky.

Dvide – Is your child a morning bird or a night owl?
JF – This kid is a total night owl. I can’t hang with him! He loves to game with his friends from the track late into the night, only during summer of course, haha:)

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